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bubble nest

23 11:50:44

how can you tell when your betta's nest are big enough or ready to release the female?

When breeding bettas, you should have another tank ready.  Many hiding places should be provided for the female.  The female should be ready to lay eggs, and you can see that the female is ready, when she is plump, and has a little white tube where her tummy is.   You put both the female, and the male at the same time in this tank.  The male will then blow another nest.  You must watch them, as the female will go to him, and if he is not ready, he will chase her away with intent to kill her, which is why you must have lots of hiding places for her.  
When the male is ready he will give her a sign, and she will then go to him, he wraps himself around her squeezing her to release some eggs, then she leaves, and he proceeds on blowing the eggs into the nest.  Then he gives her another sign, and she goes back to him.  This can go on for 2-4 hours, sometimes less.  You must always keep an eye on them.  When they are finished, you must remove the female or he will find her, and kill her.
She is very weak after the spawn, and must be treated well.  Feed her good food so she can recuperate.
The male stays with the fry for about 3 days, then he must be removed.
Hope this helps you understand a little more on breeding bettas.
If you have anymore questions do not hesitate to write me.