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sick firemouth cichlids

23 14:53:27

Ok I have had 6 fire mouth cichlids in my 30 gallon tank with a few angels I was planning on transferring them to a 150 gallon tank when they got bigger ok so I went to feed them about 4 days ago and one of my smaller mails fire mouths starts spinning around erratically and then would get a grip and calm down and go back into his amazon sword he has been doing this every time he has tried to get food since now another mail has started doing the same thing I tested the water and the ammonia was a little high so I did a 30%watter change instead of the regular 20% any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Michael,
 The spinning behavior is very unusual.  I can't say what is causing it but if it were my tank, I would continue doing more partial water changes to see if that helps.

-- Ron
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