Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Angelfish Fin Rot

Angelfish Fin Rot

23 11:20:48

QUESTION: I have an angelfish that started to have ragged, split tail, today I found he lost more tails. And, there are holes in the fins which have edges that are white or waxy looking. but he is still eating aggressively. Should I treat him? and with what? Thanks!

You must treat him as quickly as you can.  Fin, and Tail Rot is mostly caused by poor water conditions, and will eat away at a fish very quickly.  Check your water for ammonia, and nitrites.  They must be zero.  Do a 25% water change.  If you have ammonia, or nitrites, you must get rid of it before medicating.  Medicating fish when there is ammonia, or nitrites in the water will do no good, so you must get rid of it.  If you do have these in your water, do one 35% water change, then 15% everyday until your water chemistry is right.
Buy tetracycline, and follow the directions on the package.  Add one teaspoon diluted aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water.  Remember to remove your carbon.
I hope the little Angel pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I checked the water, no ammonia or nitrites. I have just changed the water this passing weekend. So, I don't think the water quality is a problem. So, I am not sure whether to medicate the fish even though he looks perfectly fine except the rot tail. Have you experienced that before? Do I need to medicate the whole tank or just the fish with fin rot?

You will have to treat the whole tank, unless you have a cycled tank ready for your Angel fish.  Stress can cause fin, and tail rot, as well as poor diet.   Make sure that your quarantine tank is cycled, and that it has the same chemistry as the water he is now in.  The PH also must be the same.  You must treat him quickly as this disease progresses quickly on a fish.