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Sexing a blackmoor

23 14:57:15

I have a blackmoor, he is about 2 - 3 yrs old.  I want to get my office fish a mate.  I believe he is a he because he is so beautiful and has long flowing fins.  How do you determine the sex and is there anything special I need to do to breed them?  How about just getting a roommate for him.... do you recommend another type of fish?

Hi Donna,
 That is an excellent question and unfortunately I don't know the answer.  I don't keep goldfish so I have never had the opportunity to try to sex them.  Regardless of his or her sex, be careful about it a tankmate.  If your tank is reasonably large and has structure in it, e.g., wood, rock or other stuff to break up the space, then adding a fish will be okay.  But if your current fish uses the whole existing space, he/she will be unlikely to want to share that with a newcomer.  Fish in general don't appreciate roommates the way that people do.  So if you want to get her/him a roommate do so because you want to .. the fish
would be just as happy without one.

-- Ron
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