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dwarf molly sick

23 14:27:33

My dwarf molly started swimming around in circles and won't stop seems to favour one side goes in one direction.
Swims near top of tanks.

Hey Nicole,

Sounds kind of like neurological damage.

When I accidentally drop fish at work, they typically do the very same thing when back in the water. I usually just throw them in the tank, and leave em alone for a while. If it persists for more then a day or two, i add a lot of decorations and hiding places, a TON of melafix, and i switch them to a high protien / vitamin diet in hopes their body can repair itself. Usually (about 95% of the time) just reducing stress and increasing healthy food intake solves the problem. In rare cases, stress and neurological damage seems to just be too much for the poor fish. Keep in mind, there are instances where fish with broken spines and such can live normal happy lives, and live a long time! So don't give up on your molly.

Hope this helps, and good luck! plus, test the water. Make sure it's healthy, because sometimes super stressful water can make fish act strange.