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Fish Complications

23 14:13:40

I just recently purchased a 10 gal tank for my daughter. After the necessary time needed for preparation for the fish, my mom and dad went out, while I was at work, and bought her 3 Fish. Well when I got home I noticed that one of the fish looked as though she was pregnant, so I went out to buy a breeder net. While I was at work the next day she gave birth to at least 15 babies. My issues is that one of the other fish in the tank was acting a little funny. Example: She would lay on the bottom of the tank and would eventually move later. So I went out to buy another breeder net and put her in it. My questions is how can I tell if she is is her early stages of pregnancy or is there something else that is wrong. Please advise on what I may need to do.

Thanks you for any advice you may have.


Hi Nikki,
 Unfortunately it is very difficult to determine what exactly is going on in a case like this, and even if you could, there is little you can do about it.  The best thing to do is what you did, put her in a breeder net and see if being alone will allow her to work out whatever problem she is having.  Too often people dump chemicals in the tank and in most cases, that just makes things worse.

-- Ron
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