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Is my goldfish killing my angelfish

23 13:57:37

I just started a 5 gal aquarium almost 2 weeks. I have 3 fish... goldfish, angel fish (white with gold stripes) and a platy golden fish. I already had a black moor (had worms) die and a algae eater die. I noticed the angel fish is sinking and then slowly swimming up not being very active but the gold fish keeps hitting him. I thought the angel fish was doing well and am affraid the gold fish is doing this to him. I also can't tell if the two golden fish have worms or if they are pooping.

Hi Amy;

The fish aren't killing each other. "New Tank Syndrome" is what it is, as well as the tank being far too small for goldfish and angels. Goldfish and angels can't live in the same tank anyway. Goldfish are cold water, and angels as well as platies are tropical warm water fish. You need at least a ten gallon cold water tank for the goldfish and at least a 20 gallon tropical with a heater for the angel. They both get very large and need more room with good filtration.

Until you can get them more room, make a 50% water change every day. I NEVER recommend to change that much water unless it is VERY urgent. Your situation is very urgent. Be sure to use water conditioner and also be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Slowly pour the new water in very slowly so it doesn't shock them.

Next, read my article on new tanks to help you know more about what's going on in there. Here is a link to it;

Here are more links to help you get things going better for your angel, platy, and goldfish;

Good luck. Followups welcome...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins