Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Urgent - Betta fish jumped out of water

Urgent - Betta fish jumped out of water

23 15:06:30

I wanted to change the water for my Betta only didn't have enough conditioned water to fill his bowl.  I put him in a small glass cup with plenty of water.  When I arrived home about 6 hours later, he wasn't in his bowl but was lying about 15" away from the bowl - he jumped out and rolled to the bottom of my bathroom sink.  Immediately I placed him back into his glass.  Within 2 minutes he started to move.  It's been about an hour now and he is still moving although his fins still are stiff.  I am noticing white cottony stuff forming.  His water is 76 degrees and I added a bit of salt to the water.  Is there anything else I can do?  Is he suffering?  What are his chances of survival?  I've had him for a little more than a year.


Hi Donna;

Oops! I thinks that's happened to all of us at some time or another. Bettas are pretty resilient. Keep him as warm as possible and get some Melafix to use for helping his fins heal. It will soothe the raw spots and inhibit infection. Change his water again in a couple of days to get rid of any dead skin that has peeled off.

If he gets worse in another couple of days in spite of using melafix and salt, he may need a traditional stronger medicine like an antibiotic and/or antifungal. Check what is available at the local fish store and compare the symptoms on the package to your fish.

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