Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my cigar fish is sick?

my cigar fish is sick?

23 15:06:01

please help, my cigar fish is looking abit sick today, hes not really moving and when he does it looks like hes finding it hard to swim! and he keeps swimming vertically (ie nose on the bottom of the tank and tail striaght in the air)! hes eating okay but im still worried? is he going to die?

many thanks Natalie Potts

Hi Natalie;

They are a "headstander" so they will be still and vertical in the water from time to time when resting. I need more info to help me know if there could be a problem;

How big is he?
How long have you had him?
How big is his tank?
Is it a new tank?
Are there other fish?
How big are they and how many?
What is the water temperature?
When was the last water change?
What kind of foods does he eat?

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins