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Tank Lighting

23 11:45:39

I have a 29gal freshwater tank with 1pleco,1angel(the other angel fish died no to long ago,looked like the other fish tore him apart)2kissing gouarmis,1 snake gouarmi,1golden gourami.I have had the tank about 2 1/2yrs(some fish have come and go) and only had 1 water problem,but got that fixed.I give the fish the proper light throughout the day but I am a night person and was wondering if outside light(table lamp)affect the fish in any way?I do check the water levels regularly,not sure of the exact results but they are ideal.

Thank you for your time!!

Hi Jessica;

Unless your tank grows excess algae I wouldn't worry about it. You could even reverse their daytime and have the tank lights on during the night and shut them off during the day so you can see your fish when you are home. The lights are really only there for us to enjoy our fish anyway. If you have live plants, they need them, but the fish really don't. If there's a lot of light coming in from outside during the day you may see a lot of algae eventually. Just use your own discretion and work with it. Enjoy your fish!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins