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Goldfish with swollen bump near dorsan fin

23 11:46:31


Goldfish with swollen
Jumbo (see attached photo) has been in this tank for more than a year - 20 gal, currently s/he is the only fish, Tetra "3 stage" filter, pH 6.7, ammonia < 0.25 ppm, nitrites < 0.25 ppm, water changes 3 gal twice a week, waste is pipetted out of tank once or twice per day, so it is quite clean for a goldfish tank.  Jumbo's body length is about 4 inches excluding tail.  Three days ago, after months of good health, he sat and laid on the bottom for a single day.  The next day (2 days ago) he was active, eating, swimming strongly, back to normal again, except for the large bump that you can see in the photo.  It doesn't seem to bother him/her, no rubbing against anything, etc., but it doesn't look healthy.  It reached its present size in about 24 hours and now seems to be holding at the same size.  Other than a water change and 1/2 tsp Epsom salts, I haven't done anything other than keeping a close eye on him.  The top image was shot down into the water with flash; the bottom image was shot through the glass/no flash. There doesn't seem to be any drainage from the bump.  Can you tell me what's happening?  Thank you.  Bob

Hi Bob;

Great photos, very helpful. It looks like a cyst or abscess. It indicates infection in that area under the skin that is swelling, possibly with fluid, blood, or pus. It could even be a tumor but it looks more like an abscess to me. For a large fish like Jumbo, adding medication to the water would probably not be effective at all. I would try a medicated food for bacterial infections. Fish stores have them. The only other effective way to treat it would be antibiotic injections but you have to get them from the vet. Here's info about buying medicated fish food;

The epsom salts may be helpful in drawing out fluid if that's what's making the lump so you could keep doing that regardless of what else you try. That's what I would do anyway.

If you can't find medicated food, you might be able to make your own if you can get some tetracycline. Most fish stores have it and 'feed and seed' stores have it too. They cater to customers with livestock , chickens, turkeys, etc. The antibiotics are often given to baby chicks. Here is a link to a page about how to make the food;

Scroll down on the below page to find the recipe;

Continue to keep the tank water very clean so that if the bump ruptures it will have a better chance to heal.

I hope Jumbo feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins