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Fat Betta

23 15:05:37

I have 2 male bettas in a split tank. I have had them for about 6 months.  One has started to become very fat, why has he gone this way and is he sick. If he is what can I do to save him?

Hi Kim;

He may have indigestion. It is common in bettas and can be caused by overfeeding and/or low water temperature. Keep the tank in a vey warm place and put a light on them to help get the temperature up higher. It needs to be 78 to 80 fahrenheit all the time for your bettas to digest properly.

To get his digestive system cleared out, feed him tiny chunks of green peas. I use the frozen ones. Thaw one out and pop the round skin off. Feed only the peas and no other foods until he is doing better. The water temperature has to be up enough though or he will still have trouble.

Change their water once a week to keep the immune systems of both fish strong. Clean tank conditions are very important in the prevention and treatment of disease.

Hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins