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My Betta Fish - Bubbles

23 14:36:22


I have a blue betta fish and i have had it for about 2 weeks now. I feed it betta bites twice a day about 6 balls as said on the directions. But what is happening is that he comes to the top and eats a bite but then the next second he spits it out. He is doing that everyday.I don't know what to do. Please help me and my fish-Bubbles. Thanks.

Hello Sara-

6 pellets per meal is way too much for your betta. You can feed him 5 pellets once a day, or you can feed him two meals of 3 pellets each.

As for Bubbles spitting out the pellets, he may not like the taste, or he may not be able to chew them. Try crunching them a little bit before feeding, or you could always switch to bloodworms if you are desperate (almost all bettas will eat bloodworms.) Your betta can go up to a week without food and be fine, so don't worry about starving him - he'll eat when he gets hungry!

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman