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betta looks sick

23 14:36:22

Hi I have a beautiful red betta. I've had him or her (not sure) for 2 years. It lives in a bowl with plants. lately her belly is extended and she has trouble swimming to the top. her belly is very large! she hangs out on the bottom mostly cause she looks to heavy to swim? help  

If your Betta has long fins, it's a male.  Swelling can be a number of things.  If his scales are lifted or uneven, then it's dropsy.  If his scales are normal, then your Betta has been overfed or is constipated.  Stop feeding dry food and try
frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp,daphinia and flightless fruit fly.  If your Betta starts to look like a pine cone, then it is most certainly dropsy which is cause by kidney failure (due to age, water condition or bacteria).  There is not a great success rate with treating dropsy.  I recommend not feeding as much and try frozen blood worms (sold in sheets or cubes, thaw a very small amount and give it to your fish).  Keep your water very clean, change 70% a day if you have to.  Then cross your fingers and hope it's not dropsy.  I hope this helps you :)