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neon tetras,

23 14:11:42

i have a 30 gallon aquareium it has 1 loach clown fish,3 neon tetras,2 palates,1 swordfish,2african frogs,2 tiger fish, and 3 goldfish.One of my palates has gotten a large belly,2 of my neons have gotten really round, and my two frogs stay hidden all the time.Could these fish be pregnate?And if so should i seperate them into a smaller tank?Or will it be ok to let them in with the others?Will the other fish eat the eggs?And why are my frogs so anti-social?

Hi Crystal,
  I think you mean "platy"?   The platy could be pregnant- they are livebearers and give birth to live babies (which the other fish will quickly try to eat).  Neon tetras are egg layers.  And yes, other fish will eat their eggs; however, that said, neons very seldom lay eggs in an aquarium so just because they are getting round doesn't mean that they are going to lay eggs. They might just be eating alot.  

 Frogs in general are cryptic creatures. They spend most of the time hiding. That is how they protect themselves from danger.

-- Ron
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