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Piggy looking fish!

23 14:20:42

My son left me with his fish tank to take care of and I'm doing pretty fine really but we have a small tank with 8 fish, two silver sharks, two orange fish (not gold fish) and another two silvery fish with two blacks dots along their side maybe some sorta gourami or whatever but my concern is this...There is a pinkish looking fish that looks like a little piggy and bigger than the others and all the time I see him bullying the rest especially the orange fish. What should I do? As he never goes near the silver sharks or the other silver fish, only near the orange looking one. why?
Any help would be appreciated Ron as I dont know about fish :)!
Thanks in advance,

ANSWER: Hi Tania,
 Hmmm.... a "piggy looking fish" ... :)  Is there any chance that you could send me a digital photo of the fish?  That might help me figure out what you have and what is going on.
You could send it to my email below.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ron, I checked with the pics and saw that this piggy fish was actually a "kissing Gourami" so there you are! I wonder tho why is he or she its gotta be a "He" I think since hes always behind the orange fish another Gourami I think, whats says you and why? is he agressive or likes to play around:)?
Do have a good weekend Ron and Thanks for the immediate reply....The last time:)

ANSWER: Hi Tania,
 Without seeing the actual setting and fish, from what you say, I suspect that he is trying to mate with the other fish.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Hope you're doing well and thanks for all the help Ron. Well even now, I need your help desperately!! One of my fish are dying Ron. He keeps coming up and sorta drinking water all the time. I notice he comes down and stays still for sometime in a corner too. I have used fungal and also a little uniodized salt doyou think it will help? What is the next best thing Ron? Should I change the water, make it cooler or warmer ?
I really am so upset seening this poor fish like this.
Hope you will give me a remedy for this.
Thankyou Ron take care and keep in touch.

Hi Tania,
  Assuming that your water temperature is somewhere between about 75 and 80oF, that should be fine.  I wouldn't add any salt.  
  As for water changes, you should be chaging about 25% of the water once a week, every week.  

  Most likely, the one fish is being bothered by another. To deal with that, the tank should have lots of structure in it, e.g., wood, rock, plants etc to break up the space and create hiding spaces for a fish when it is being chased.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>