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beta fin not working

23 15:05:37

I have a betta fish named little mac dad. Usually the little guy is so active and he is always swimming from side to side. Lately I noticed that he just chills out under his castle and doesnt move much although he still eats. I got a bit worried so i bumped the castle a bit with the fish net to make him move so i could see if he had any type of fungus or something but he just looks like he is losing his color only. THen i noticed that he was trying to swim but he just keep sinking like he had no energy. THis is because only one of his fins are working. There is a little bit of white (dust) on his fins and I'm wondering if this is a bacterial infection. I keep him in a 10Gal tank but i didnt have a light on him and I didnt know about water temp until recently. I put him in a smaller bowl and put a light over the water to keep it warm. I also treated the water with (stress coat). Is there anything else I should do?  

Hi Kevin;

Raise the temperature up to 82 degrees and treat him with BettaMax. If you can't find bettamax, get a medication that treats fungus. Fungus Cure and Fungus Eliminator are two possibilities. Also add aquarium salt. He needs 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Keep his water very clean too. Change the bowl once or twice a week. Keep using the stress coat. It's a good product.

Hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins