Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > beta cant eat

beta cant eat

23 15:02:34

Ive had a beta (the dude) for over a year now.  We have a large 4 gallon tank with plenty of plants.  We change the tank twice a week.  We feed the dude dried worm pellets.  Ive never had a problem with the dude eating, except that occassionally he spits up a pellet.  This has never been a problem, b/c the dude would just eat the next pellet.  However, today I went to feed the dude and it was if he could not get the pellet in his mouth.  He repetatively went for the pellet but he either could not get it in his mouth or perhaps was misjudging the pellets position. The situation would be likened me putting a pea on a plate, trying to eat it with only my mouth, and not being able to get it because I would constantly bump my nose on the plate. Anyway after about 20 tries (including crushing the pellats) I gave up.  Can you shed some light on the situation.


Hi Charlie;

Poor little fella. He may have an infection or something. It could affect his vision, movement of his mouth, equilibrium, etc. Try using a fish medicine called "Maracyn 2". It absorbs inside the fish to treat infection. It's also possible that he has cancer or something. There really isn't any treatment for that though I'm afraid. Keep his water as warm and clean as possible to help him feel better as long as you can. Hopefully it's an infection and the Maracyn 2 will fix him up.

I hope he gets better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins