Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Elephant Nose Fish In Trouble..2

Elephant Nose Fish In Trouble..2

23 11:05:41

QUESTION: Hi Tina, couldnt ask another question so had to open a new one. Do you mean i have to empty 1 250MG capsule in my 10 Gallon tank? Will this help with Swim Bladder...the moment you confirm ill call for them.

ANSWER: Chris,    That's perfect one capsule emptied every day for 7 days carbon in filter till done then your water change and new carbon so as not to spread it back into the tank. Never a problem, glad I was on.... was waiting just in case. Yes if we got it soon enough it should be fine soon. I just want you to know again they are sneaky sometimes about hiding sickness till it is very bad .......Good Luck Chris......, Tina

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QUESTION: Thank you so much, administering it now, have called for it, will let you know right away when i have an update. Thanks again for your prayers.

ANSWER: Kool Beans Chris, that was quick. I await good news!!!!!!!!!!!! Tina

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QUESTION: Im also trying to see if he eats, pardon my ignorance but should i give him fresh peas or frozen peas and with or without the skin? Let me know and thanks again.

Chris,    You can try. I would normally say once to twice a week after medication but, he is in bad shape so something to relieve the constipation can't hurt him right now. Either is fine. If you use the frozen run them under water and thaw them first. I do not think your ignorant this is a rare fish you could probably ask alot of fish people and they have never heard of them. Not coming to one of us would have been ignorant. You did everything right. Later I would just crack the shell and let him work for it for exercise. Right now, I would literally put the meat on the bottom with out the shell where he is or where he normally eats and let him get it like that if it floats that's ok . They know what they need instinctually. Hopefully you will see him or her better in about 12 hours. If there is anything else something you forgot or want to ask there are no questions too big or too small. , Tina