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My beta getting burnt

23 14:49:15

Today i changed my fish bowl water and was running hot water in the sink so the old stuff wouldnt stink. I had my beta in a cup and it jumped out into the sink where the boiling water was. It was bended through thedrain but i got it out. I suspect it got burnt. It's still breathing but it keeps floating upside down and it doesnt look like it had alot of control over its body. WHat can i do to save him? :(:(

Hi Brittany,
   Im really sorry but there isn't much you can do now. It's in the sluggish stage before death. The best thing you can do is keep the temperature and an acceptable level.. between 70 and 80 degrees but more near 80. also make sure the water is kept really clean. Also if your beta stops eating. make sure its alone so it can eat. If you have it in a tank with other fish I recomend you move it so they dont bully it. I'mreally sorry but yor fish might die. Dont be discouraged from getting other fish though just remember a lot of fish are hoppers and you have to make sure that this doesn't happen again,