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What wrong with my Betta?

23 11:46:48

QUESTION: I have had my Betta fish for a couple of months, his name is Edward and he lives in a 1 gal. heated tank. Hes been great until this week when I have noticed him not as active. I have been really busy and havent cleaned his tank out as much as I should have. Maybe it's me but today I noticed his eyes seeming bigger. What can I do to save my Betta?

ANSWER: Hi Shelby,
Water changes every week are very important.  If we do not do this we are asking for trouble.  Disease happens very quickly.  Always make sure you have zero ammonia, zero nitrites, and safe nitrates in his water.  Change all his water weekly with a good water conditioner.
You will have to cure him with an antibiotic.  Poor water conditions may lead to Popeye.  Buy him anti-bacterial food, and treat him with "Kanamycin"
I hope Edward will pull through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

A couple days ago we put Edward on mayacyn plus, he seems to be swimming more but hes sideways. Also it says to give him the med. every other day, would it be harmful to him if I gave it to him everyday? I dont want him to die!

Hi Shelby,
You must follow the directions on the package.  Sometimes the healing process is slow, and we must be patient.  Overdosing is just as bad, as no medication.  
You could also give him a cooked frozen pea.  Remove the outer layer, and cut it into tiny pieces.  Feed the pieces one at a time to Edward.  He may be constipated.  Bettas are prone to constipation, and should have one pea a week to help them clean out their system.  On the day you feed him the pea, feed him nothing else.  Constipation often goes unnoticed, and this leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  If his tummy is swollen you will have to cure him with a better antibiotic.  His tummy is just below his chin.  A betta should have a varied diet.  The more you vary his diet, the healthier he will be.  Betta Pellets, Betta Flakes, Daphnia, Bloodworms, Glass Worms, Plankton Flakes, and Mealworms would be excellent food for him.  Feed him little amounts each day.  One day Betta Flakes, the next Pellets, the next bloodworms etc.  Two pellets is the limit for one meal.  Feed him 2 times a day, or three depending on the hours you feed him.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so we must always remember this when feeding them.  I would try Kanamycin, Tetracycline, or Furan 2 if he has SBD.  You can tell if this is the case, as Bettas usually stay at the bottom, or the top of the tank.  They swim lopsided, and need a silk plant to rest on.  If detected early this disease is curable.
I hope Edward pulls through.