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Betta Habitat

23 12:00:54

I have kept fish in the past and recently decided that I wanted to get a betta as a fun project for my little sister and I. We bought a half gallon tank (Lee's Dual Betta Hex) and are only going to purchase one fish, but I recently remembered the one gal per inch of fish rule and wondered how pertinent that is to having a healthy betta. Should I return the habitat we bought and buy something bigger? I really don't have space for much bigger than a gallon, but would that be necessary? From my research, bettas are supposed to be pretty resilient and sturdy. As long as I manage the pH and temp, should I be ok? One more thing: what is the correct temp for bettas? I've read between 65 and 75; I've read 80+; I've read 70 to 80. What is the correct range? What is a definent minimum temperature that I should avoid?


Hi Nicole,
A betta should have at least two gallons of water to be happy and healthy, and five gallons is best.  It should have a heater to keep the temperature stable.  A betta is a tropical fish and needs 76-80 degree temperature.  The Betta is the most mistreated fish along with the Oscar on the market.  In his habitat the water may be shallow, but they have room to swim.  When I see these small bowls, money making machines, it just turns me upside down.  A betta is an intelligent little fish, and could be your friend for a long time if treated the right way.
I would also like to mention his diet.
A betta should be fed Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Daphnia, alternating each day.  He should have bloodworms once a week as a treat.  He should also fast one day a week, and on that day he should have a pea, and nothing more. ( You cook a frozen pea until it is well cooked and tender.  Remove the outer layer, and cut it into tiny pieces.  Feed this to your betta, one piece at a time making sure that he eats the pieces, and that they do not fall to the bottom of the tank.)  The pea cleans out his system, and keeps him from having Swim Bladder Disease. He should have 2-3 small meals a day pellets, next day flakes, and so on.  Example:  2 pellets for one meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, we must always remember this.
Water changes every week are important for your betta with a good water conditioner.  (Stress Coat, or Aqua Plus, they also sell a conditioner specially made for bettas)
Betta do not live healthy happy lives in small containers.  Their lives are cut short, they get sick, and die.
Hope this helps you make a decision, and if you have any more questions do not hesitate to write me.