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mating bettas

23 14:52:37

So, I have read all the websites about bettas.  And I still am questioning whether I should put my male and female bettas together... I have had them a while and put their bowls close together so they could get use to having another fish around... I even put the male, Cartman, in the females bowl for a half day or so he could check her out.  He makes the egg nests and I have read that that means he is ready to make babies...  They are both healthy and eat great. Today, I put them together in a new bowl with new hides.... So that neither would feel at home and be territorial.  He kinda chases her around, but I am afraid if he picks on her too much, she will die.  Should I leave them apart?  I would really like to have baby bettas...  What do you think?

Hi Colleen,

I would put the female in a section of the tank that the male can see but not reach. For example, you can buy a cylindrical glass candle cover with open ends from most home decor stores for a few dollars. You can sit that in a corner of the tank, put your girl in it with a plant or some other cover and the male can see and swim up to the female but cannot reach her.

This will stimulate bubblenesting and breeding behaviour. When your male has a nice big bubblenest going and the female is egg laden (her tummy is round with eggs - not to be confused with overfeeding), release her.

Once the male has fertilised all the eggs he will begin to nip the female and she must be removed. If they do not seem as though they will ever mate, remove the female and try again in a few weeks. If they ever get aggressive to the point of serious injurt, seperate them.

For more breeding info, see

Good luck!
