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Sick Red Oscars

23 11:51:33

QUESTION: I got some really bad news one of my oscars died yesterday out of the blue.. my2 oscars were  sewimming around and the big one out of no where just floats to the bottom.. anyway now the small oscar is almost like a white color the p.h anf water temps are fine i cheacked the amonia nothing there any ideas on why the second one turned white?

ANSWER: Hi Corey,
I am so sorry for your loss.  I have no idea why the Oscar died.  It could be many things.  They were babies, and babies have to be fed four times a day with water changes everyday.  Oscars are big eaters, and when they are young we must feed them well.  It could be something internal, it is hard to know exactly why he died.
Fish get pale when they are stressed.  Maybe they didn't get along, and maybe seeing the other one die had an effect on him.  They are very intelligent fish.  I would add 4 teaspoons of diluted aquarium salt to the tank.  Aquarium salt helps them with stress.  I would also add 24 drops of Aquarisol to the water.  Aquarisol has done wonders for me.  It is an old product, often forgotten, but it is a good product, and it will help your Oscar.  If it is stress, he should be better in a day or two.  Keep me posted on how he is doing please.  I hope his colour comes back to normal.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Lynda thank you for your help i did not know that they had to be feed 4 times daily i was told twice daily by the pet store... i took a towel and drapped it over the tank and turned the lights off to the tank and room and like i thought the one little guys regaining his color.. my question is would it be a good idea in a week or so to introduce anouther baby oscar to the tank.. thank you and i will look for those products you suggested

Hi Corey,
In a week, you could add another Oscar.  When you do, try to get him the same size, and add something new to the tank, like a plant, or rocks, something different the same time you put him in with your other Oscar.  Feed him well, four times a day, and water changes almost everyday. He's a baby!  When he gets bigger, you can feed him 2-3 small meals a day.  It is better to feed him small meals, than one big meal.  They digest little meals much better, and it is less dangerous for them to get Swim Bladder.  When he is bigger, feed him frozen cooked peas.  Always remove the outer layer.   On the day that you feed him the peas, feed him nothing else.  Do this one day a week, and this will prevent constipation, which always goes unnoticed, and makes fish sick.  
I guess the poor little one that is left was really stressed.  He new the other one was dying.  It's amazing how smart they are!  No fish wants a dead fish in their tank.  His colour will come back by tomorrow.  Feed him well, and he will be okay.