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My Bettas

23 11:18:17

Quick Question people say that it could take days for the bettas to realize what there suppose to be doing so if they dont spawn when i put her in then should i take her out and wait to try again or leave her in there until they realize what there suppose to be doing? BTW thank you for answering my oher wuestion and i mover her out of there and into her own tank like you suggested also i have another tank with plants and a heater with no gravel but my male betta already started blow a bubble nest in his own tank i dont want to mave him because then what if he doesnt make a another bubble nest?? can i leave him in his original tank???

Hi Justyne,
When the female betta is ready, and you put her in a tank with the betta (not the ones they are now in) the male will blow his nest again.  Once he sees her, and he too is ready, he will begin to blow his nest.  This does not take days!    Like I mentioned to you, you must watch them, because bettas are unpredictable.  Sometimes it happens that the male is not in the mood, and will chase the female non stop.  Then you must take them out, and wait a few days, and try again.  Put them in another tank at the same temperature they are now in.  They should be in 80-82 degree temperature.  They are tropical fish, and under this temperature, the betta is cold, and miserable.  When heating the water for a betta, you must do this very slowly.  Bring the temperature up one degree everyday.  Bringing up the temperature too quickly would cause death.
It is not easy breeding bettas.  The male betta is always blowing his nest, with or without a female.  This is a sign that he is healthy.  If you were to change all of his water, he would blow another nest.  If you were to put the female in with him, he would break his nest, and chase her to kill her.  Remember, they are siamese fighting fish, and are very aggressive.  It is wise to have another tank completely different from the ones they are now in.  If the female is pregnant, and the male accepts her, he will start to blow another nest.  The female will try to go to him, but if his nest is not complete, he will chase her away.  She will hide from him, and wait.  This may go on for a while.  Once his nest is ready, he will give her a sign, then she will go to him, and the spawn begins.  This will last anywhere from one hour to four hours.  You must be patient, and supervise them during this time.  You will know that the spawn is over when the betta no longer wants the female, and chases her all over the tank.  You will know, believe me, when it is time to remove her!!  
Do not be afraid that the betta will not blow another nest, he will.  Remember to keep their water very clean.  This is very important.  There must be no ammonia, or nitrites in their water.
Best of luck, and write me anytime, I will try to help you as much as I can.  Do not be discouraged if they do not spawn right away.  It takes lots of patience breeding fish, and the betta is no exception.  Usually after a betta has spawned with the same female 4-6 times, he becomes more tolerant towards her....usually, not always.  All bettas have different personalities.  