Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > hatchetfish


23 15:07:30

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Question -
how do you think hatchetfish will do with tiger barbs? if not good theno what topwater fish will be o k with them?
Answer -
Hi Jo;

What size tank do you have? 29 gallon
What other fish? angelfish,gouramis,bala sharks,a red tail black shark,plecs, and crabs
How many tiger barbs? 11
How long has it been set up? almost 3 months

Chris Robbins

Hi Jo;

Actually your tank will be over the safe population limit in a few months as they all grow. Angels get to be about 4 inches, gouramis get 3 to 6 inches (depending on the type), Bala Sharks and Redtailed Sharks get 12 inches, and Plecostamus get 6 to 12 inches (depending on the type). A tank can safely have one inch of fish per gallon if it is properly maintained with 25% water changes once a week while vacuuming the gravel. This calculation is made using the adult size of each fish so they have room to mature in their existing home.

You really should consider getting a 55 gallon or finding another home for the balas in a few months. They will get very nervous in a tank that is smaller than 55 to 100 gallons. They might hurt themselves. They are actually one of my favorite fish and are quite beautiful as they grow. They just get HUGE! They can knock the top off of the tank in one of their nervous fits too. Yikes!

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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