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Flowerhorn Even Worse!

23 11:29:07


Very Sick Flowerhorn
Hello, I sent an email earlier regarding my Flowerhorn that seems to have some sort of fungus on his lips.  I got home from work today and he is so much worse, I think.  His lips are actually coming off!  I feel horrible for him, not sure how much pain fish feel.  I checked the water again, it is very cloudy.  The only thing the test showed was a spike in nitrites, seems to be in the stress area.  Other than the lips, he seems to be in good condition even some of his atitude has come back when the other fish come around him.  Still not eating though.  I treated the water again with the Maracyn.  Do you have any advice for me? Does this mean he is doomed now and is going to die?  Can fish live without lips?

Hi Shannon,
 It looks like he has been in a fight with another fish and the other fish has bitten his lips.

Yes a fish can live without lips but if it was the result of attacks by another fish, then your fish is in real trouble unless you separate them.  

As far as the water is concerned, I strongly suggest you do a 25% water change and possibly another one again tomorrow.  That should help with the water chemistry.  

-- Ron C.
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