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feeding my beta

23 11:29:07

I have had a beta before and I fed him pellet food with no problem. I just got a new beta two days ago and he won't eat pellet food. He eats it and then spits it out. I bought him flake food and he just spits it out also. The only thing he has eaten so far is blood worms but he only ate one. I am confused and don't know what to do.

Some bettas are fussy.  Sometimes the betta has just reached the pet store, and has gone through a stressful time.  From his big home to a small bag, to a small container, then to our tanks, make them very stressed.  You did not mention the size of his tank, or the temperature of his water.  Bettas should have 5 gallon tanks, and they should be heated to 80-82 degrees.  When heating a tank for a betta, this must be done very very slowly.  One degree every two days.  Heating their water too quickly would be deadly.  Add a silk plant to his tank so he can rest on the leaves, and a small toy that he can go through.  One teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water help with stress, and parasites.   Try feeding him Daphnia.  Call the pet store, and ask them what they were feeding him.  Hopefully, in time he should eat.  If, within one week he still refuses food, then there may be something wrong with him.  He may be sick.
I hope he starts to eat soon.