Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > oscar has white lesions on head

oscar has white lesions on head

23 14:46:57

I have a 55 gallon tank that I keep well maintained. The tank has 2 oscars, 2 other orange cichlids, and a plecco. I have 2 black and orange oscars (I forget their proper name)
pictured here the smaller of the two has a white lesion above its eyes and one or 2 by its mouth. yesterday there was only the spot above it's eyes, today I noticed the other ones.
They look like lesions, not round, but oblong, white, and like they go down under or into the scales. What is this and how do I treat it? how much time do I have?


Hi Kirk,
 It sounds like they have been fighting.  If they are small bite marks on the face, this is perfectly normal for cichlids and they will heal quickly.  

 If you can send me a photo, I can take a closer look.

-- Ron
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