Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Oscar fish staying on the bottom of tank and has white film on head

Oscar fish staying on the bottom of tank and has white film on head

23 13:58:25

QUESTION: My Oscar has been staying on the bottom of the tank for about a week now.  It
is only seems to wiggle to get other fish out of it's space.    It used to chase the
fish.  It is also developing a white film on his head.  What could be wrong with
my Oscar and how can I help?

ANSWER: Hi Roxana,
 It sounds like it could have a very advanced case of ick.  Have you been feeding it with feeder fish?

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


No, I do not feed it fish.  I feed it pellets and sometimes lettuce.  I tried
cleaning the tank.  My chiclid is still just resting on the bottom of the tank.  
Some of the white stuff on his head has went away, but I don't  know if the
chiclid wiped it off.  The white stuff is only on the top of its head and no
where else.  It is also not eating.  If it is ick, what can I do to help the fish.  We
have had it for at least five years and it is in a really big tank with 2 silver fish
and a picasamus.  It has been this way for at least 3 years.

ANSWER: Hi Roxana,
 How often do you do water changes?  You should be changing 25% of the water once a week every week to keep an oscar happy and healthy.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I do water changes every month.  So, If, I start to change it every week,
should it start behaving the way it used to?  It's moving around the tank, but
it stays low to the ground and simply rests in 2 spots.  My oscar is more
lethargic than normal and it is worrying me.  It doesn't really greet me at the
tank like it used to, it just sits there.   Does he have ick?  Is there medicine for
it?  Are there other resources that I can access?

Thank you for your help.  I look forward to your response.

Hi Roxana,
  Your fish is sick.  Changing more water will help but there is no guarantee that it will get better quickly.  You definitely need to do more water changes.  You should only change 25% at a time.  

 If he has had this white patch for many years, then it is not ich but rather some other form of skin disease.  

 I strongly discourage people from medicating when they are not really sure of what the problem is.  Many fish medicines are very strong and can easily kill a fish.  

 The best way to make a fish healthy is to give it clean water.  Then, they can fight off their illness.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>