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Raised scales (Former 1.5 gal tank owner)

23 11:07:47

Fish Deeva,you helped me with my carnival goldfish questions recently. I hope you aren't too sick of me yet, because I have another question. :-)

Got a 20 gallon starter kit for early Mother's Day, complete with fake plants and a bridge. Very pleased with my Mother's Day gift.  Jerry just moved in last night and he appears to be happy with his new home. However, as I continue to read and learn, I am becoming concerned about a number of raised scales on Jerry.  He has had these since we got him (about 3 weeks) and they don't appear to be getting worse. He does not appear to have any swelling. Is this something I should be concerned about, or is it just signs of previous infection/illness?

Thanks for all your help. Your efforts really make a difference.

Hi Christine,

It could be a sign of a previous illness.  YAY I am SO happy for Jerry.  It's funny how this system on All Experts works, because I was sitting here just this morning wondering about Jerry the fish.  Lol.

Raised scales can be a sign of Dropsy - a fast-killing, murderous disease that attacks goldfish, but it could also be a sign that he has a parasitic hitch-hiker, so let's keep an eye on it.  Should you see him being listless, it is an emergency and he will need to be submersed into your old tank with 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon to combat the dropsy.  The salt will have to be marine salt.  You should keep some on hand anyway.  That is good to treat goldfish diseases and salt cures most freshwater illnesses as well as parasites.

Watch Jerry.  I would be concerned.'ve had such a rollercoaster going on with the new fish-keeping, but it's good you are concerned and doing your best.  I know you feel like giving up, but don't.  It's worth learning how to care for one, so the next fish will live.  :)

You are welcome to send me a photo.  I'd like to see.