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Tetra tank setup, filteration and schooling.

23 11:55:20

I need to know if a Aqua Clear 50 Power Filter, would be enough to filter a 40 gal planted tank? I know it is rated to 40 gal, but I heard it is better to over filter. The problem I run into when I over filter ,is that the current is to strong for my tetra (had some pengiun before they died). I Also have an issue with fish getting stuck on the intake. Due to the fact it cause such a strong pull. I fixed the problem in my last tank by buying decent sized ciclids, but I would love to get some Black fin Tetra or any massive(large amount) schooling fish.

P.S. : should i get a dosile ciclid to scare the tetra into schooling ?

Hi Matthew,
That would be fine. I have a power filter rated for a 70 gallon on my 40 gallon and the fish are fine. It is good to over filter however in is not needed. Be sure to cycle the filter properly and let me know what you decide to do.

send me a question if you have questions.
Good Luck!

p.s. if you want a docile cichlid like a Ram, go ahed. just make sure the cichlid gets food, as the tetras might eat it all.

There is no reason to scare the tetras into schooling as they will school on their own soon.