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Identify this fish from the Gulf of Mexico.

23 15:03:15

When I was younger I was fishing near Corpus Christi and caught the ugliest, smelliest, barking all the while fish I'd seen. A local called it a dogfish but when I look around the web the only dogfish I find is a species of shark and doesn't look like the fish from my memories. I was told the fish was poisonous to eat or even touch and we just pushed it back into the waters. Any ideas? I recall this fish might have also had teeth but I know for sure it made a loud, barking sound, very dog like in nature.

Hi Tim;

I know puffers are poisonous to eat and I used to have one called a "Dog Face Puffer" many years ago when I kept saltwater fish. Here is a link to an article with a picture of one;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins