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New betta owner

23 13:55:28

Hi, I've just started with fish. I have a 10 gallon tank with filter, heater, test kits and alerts, plus equipment. I've read a lot about fish care and at the moment have 1 betta,2 tiger barbs, and 1 gold gourami(which I'm about to return because I just found out that bettas and gouramis are incompatible).But there are a few questions that I'd like to ask that I couldn't find decisive answers on through research.           
1.How much food should I feed my fish(3 pieces/flakes,1 pinch, etc.)?
2.What fish are bettas most compatible with?
3.What plants are good with a 10 gallon tank?
4.What is the general PH good for bettas?
Thanks a ton for helping me,

Hey Brandon

Firstly I reccommend you taking those tiger babrs out as they are notorious fin nippers and are quite nasty to other tank inhabitants if they are in small groups or pairs.

Well done fopr taking your gourami back but try and take the tiger babrs back aswell :)

As for your questions:

1.  You should feed a pinch of what they would eat in three minutes twice a day.
2.  Four your tank you could get maybe two male platies or four harlequin rasboras  and a trio of corydoras such as albino or panda.
3.  Java moss and fern are good.   The bushy plant combomba are good for the back and the side for covering filters.
4.  Bettas like the PH to be between 6 and 8.

Hope this helps and Good Luck
