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Betta with bloat

23 13:55:29

I have a Betta who is bloated. He is 1 year old. Unfortunately I live too far away from shops to be able to get any epsom salts. He has been bloated for two days and is still going. I haven't fed him since I noticed the bloat two days ago. I have tried feeding him a cooked and peeled pea and he won't eat. Is there anything else I can do for him to help him get better?? Thanks!

Hi Steph,
You could try teasing him with little cut up pieces of the cooked pea, he might be more interested in eating it...if you can, raise the temperature to 80 degrees.  Do not feed him for 4 days, and hopefully this should pass. If not, do not starve him, give him a little betta flakes to eat.  When he gets through this vary his diet...give him pellets one day, flakes the next, bloodworms, once a week.  If he is eating only bloodworms, this is not good, so try to vary his diet.
Hope this helps