Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > gouramises


23 14:22:24

I have a new 30 litre tank setup for a bout aweek now two male dwalf gouramis are in it how often do i change the water? they roughly the same size they eat alot am I over feeding them by saying that I give them a little pinch of flake food a few times a day is this to much? ahm when I change the water how do I renew and do I leave the fish in the tank? do I change the water more often with more fish in the same tank and do I condition the water before putting it into the tank? what is the best water temp for gouramis i hear alot of differences in degree if possible for the answer? do they like flowing water or still water? wat about betta are they the same preference as gouramis

Hi Aleisha.  Unfortunately, it would have been better for you to do some research into these fish prior to purchasing them.  There is a lot to know about fish in general.  You have a new tank, which means that it has to "cycle" to build up beneficial bacteria in order to sustain fish.  This cycling usually can take up to a month or more.  During that time, you need to do water testing and cleaning and water changes to help keep your fish healthy.  That's if they even make it through the cycling process.  I am going to give you a couple of websites to check out to help you out.  I suggest you read up on them because they should help answer your questions, and you can use them to refer back to.

About cycling a tank:

About cleaning a tank:

About Gouramis:

These sites should help get you started.  Please remember that if your gouramis do not make it through the cycling process of the tank, it's because they are not hardy enough fish to handle the different stages the tank water goes through.  It will be a lesson well learned.  I certainly hope they do make it, and there is a chance they will if you take the proper steps to help them get through it!

Good luck.  I hope all works out well for you and your fish.