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spots/tiny holes on gold severum

23 11:50:29

From the beginning, I was  given 2 gold severums, a blood parrot and a pleco in a twenty gallon tank about 6 weeks ago. I felt the tank was too small and so we bought a 38 gallon tank. I know still too small in the long run. The twenty gallon was three quarters drained and moved then refilled it was filthy. We bought a gravel
vaccum and cleaned the gravel again leaving the water really messy for a while.  I moved the filters ( Fluval 3plus and a Regent HOB both without carbon at the time and now still without carabon during treatment) the decorations and the rinsed gravel to the larger tank then moved the fish. While in the smaller tank the smallest severum ( being about 3 inches in length)  developed one white spot on its tail. I took a photo and went to the LFS she said it was Ick and to use melafix there was none in town at he time so I ended up using Jungle Labs Ick Guard. At first the problem just seemed to get worse as the spots spread over the tail and onto the other fins, but then the progress stopped and did seem to recede a little. The first and largest spot then became a hole. The rest of the spots have just stayed white spots. The little guy seems fine otherwise. He eats well and is very active. Being the smallest he is the one who gets picked on the most but he stands his ground/water most of time. I have checked the ammonia levels they are 0. I will buy a nitrite test kit this pay day. So far I have treated with Ick guard, Melafix which I found a week later and then Pimafix which I was told would work well together with the Melafix we are on the third day of the combination treatment and I still do not see any improvement. I was making 25% water changes daily on the Ick Guard the Melafix says to do a water change after the final treatment. The spots have not appeared on the other fish and they too seem in good condition eating well and are active. His tail fin is now tattered and appears to have blackish tips that have appeared in the last three days. I have been searching the web for about a month now for  help with this and nothing seems to match close enough and nothing I have done seems to be working. The temperature of the tank is 82F as the previous owner had them.

Any help or suggestions would be great as he/she is such a delightful fish full of spunk and character

Thanks Grace

Hi Grace,
Ick is always present in tanks, and attacks weak, or stressed fish.  Melafix does not cure ick.  Do a water change, and buy "Quick Cure, athough the direction say that it will cure ick in two days you must treat longer, as ick eggs are still in the tank waiting to emerge.  Remove the carbon, add the drops, and do this for 4 days, then do a 25% water change, and repeat for 4 more days, and do a water change again, and repeat one more time.  Poor little guy, he should get rid of this nasty parasite.  After you have done this, you may need an antibiotic, and he may not.  Write back to me to let me know how he is doing.
Giving your fish good quality food, and varying their diet helps their immune system, makes them stronger, and they will hardly ever get sick.  Fish need vitamins, and calcium, that you will find in a good quality flake, and different foods.
Keeping there water clean, free of ammonia, and nitrates, is also a good way to ensure their health.  
I would also like to mention that now they are very small, but will need a bigger tank.  When small fish grow in a tank that is to small for them, their growth is stunted, and their internal organs have no room to grow...they get sick, and die.  This is so sad, as we do get attached to them, and love them.  I just thought you would like to know.
Hope this helps