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Flying foxes - a cloudy patch

23 14:28:01

Hi Matthew,

I have 3 rather large flying foxes (real Siamese algae eaters)We've had them for about 2yrs now but I'm not sure how old they are.
Of the bunch, 2 have a slightly cloudy patch just behind their eyes. Is this something I should be concerned over, does it mean something or is there anything I need to do?

They do share a tank with 5 other fish including Cory cats, chichlids and a loach (if this has any impact)

Are you able to help me or give some direction?

Much appreciated,

First of all, What kind of cichlids? Chichlids, both south american, and african, need Water parameters in the low end , and high end (respectivle) of the parameter spectrum.

The clouding could be the start of velvet, or a fungus. If it is fuzzy, treat with cupramine. If not, try doseing melafix and pimafix and see if it clears up. Your description is fairly vauge, but im trying to figure it out.

Try my methods, and let me know how it goes.
