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What do paradise fish eat in the wild?

23 14:13:50

I'm just interested, and I'm also interested, how much food should I feed my paradise fish each day?
And one more question (sorry, I just bought a fish and I've never had a fish before) how can I tell if it's a male or a female?

Hi Fish Owner;

Paradise fish eat small aquatic animals and small fish in the wild. They also eat bugs.

Feed your fish only enough food to finish it all in less than 5 minutes once a day. Remove any leftovers immediately and feed less next time until you can feed him an amount that is right so there are no leftovers. Fish food rots too quickly so it can make your fish sick if left to "eat later". You can feed twice a day but let it feed for about 2 minutes each time.

Paradise fish males have brighter colors and longer fins. Without a pair to be able to compare them, it may be difficult for you.

Here is a good web page about them for more info;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins