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ick and some other stuff on my baby flowerhorn

23 14:13:42

so i just got a 10 gal tank around 2 weeks ago.  and just 2-3 days ago i spoted a very small white fome on my fishes eye (both of them).  i didnt think much of it since i never had a fish ever before and decided it was nothing.  2 days pasted and my fish was still very active but then the next morning i woke up and it had white spots all over him and white stuff on the outter part of his eyes.  so i found out he had ick and i "think" fungal eye dieses.  so i went to the store and brought a "APL liquid super ick cure" and did everything it told me to.  now my question is if i should go out and also get some eye fungal cure for him or would the super ick take care of everything. right now my fish is like half dead bearly moving hiding itself in its rock home (3-4 rocks pile together to make a small space in the middle).

my tank is 10gal
my fish is a baby flowerhorn
i have 1 fish
a hang over the top 10-20 g filter you can get at pet land
i dont know my PH ammonia or nitrite lvl
i had my tank for almost 2 weeks and i avhe never changed my water yet.

Also i have already added the super ick into my tank so i cant really change the water for another two days the bottle saids...  that means i wont be able to get ride of the poo the fish has lefted.  i heard some where the poo can play a factor in the eye fungal thingy.  what do you suggest me do?
should i get eye fungal cure or just let my super ick do all the work.

hehe remeber i never had a tank or any fishes ever before so i might be kinda slow on terms you use.

Hi Daniel;

I think the eye problem is related to the ick and is also probably related to "New Tank Syndrome" (more about that later). You need to have your water tested to see what the levels of ammonia and nitrite are in there. If either one, or both, are elevated, you really should make a 25% water change in spite of what the label on the ick medicine says. He can easily die from excess ammonia before the medicine even has a change to work on the disease.

Add aquarium salt to the water too. Ick hates salt and it will be weaker for the medicine to kill it. Also raise the tank temperature to 82f by turning up your aquarium heater. Heat also weakens the parasite and will not hurt your fish. You just want it to go up slowly so monitor it very carefully until it reaches the right temperature. Let it lower down again after he is all well.

You have other more serious problems looming in your tank as well. Toxins are building up in there because the beneficial bacteria that consumes toxins from fish waste are not mature enough yet. This is called "New Tank Syndrome", also known as "The Break-in Period" or "Cycling". Here is my page about it to help you through;

The other problem you have is that a ten gallon is not nearly large enough for your little fish even as a baby. He will grow fast and is going to get a foot long so he needs a 40 gallon in the next few weeks. Plan for at least a 75 gallon tank (100 or more is better) within the next few months. His growth will be stunted or he will become deformed if you don't plan for it and act fast. Here are some web pages about them and what they need;

Good luck and I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins