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Betta Breathing Question

23 14:49:58

About 4 months ago I bought a Betta fish and a small tank for him from the Pet Store. He was doing fine, being very active and eating fine. I decided I wanted to buy him a bigger tank because I wanted him to have a good like so about two weeks ago I bought him a 10L tank from the Pet Store with a pump. I didn't know if a pump was suitable for him or not but the Pet Store Manager said it was fine. Anyways I decided to take the pump out because I noticed within the last two days that all my Betta does now is stay at the top of the tank and hes constantly taking in air. His gills pump while he's doing it too and he never ever did this before. He won't even swim to the bottom, I'm worried. What's happening here?

Hi Autumn;

It's possible he's being affected by "New Tank Syndrome". Waste toxins may be burning his gills. Make a 25% water change and have the water tested for ammonia and nitrite. The fish store should be able to do that for you. If any ammonia or nitrite are present keep doing 25% changes every other day until they are gone. Here is a link to my article on new tanks so you know what's going on in there;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins