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Poor little moor

23 11:13:32

I just purchased 4 goldfish for my 8 year old daughter a week ago. 2
common 1 faintail and 1 black moor. Well 2 days ago 1 common died, it
didn't seem ill at all. Well tod.ay Google (black moor) is WHITE it does
not have spots, it has these white slim like fins ALL over its body. I
noticed yesterday its color was fine, the only thing was its energy was
gone. It has just been sitting on the bottom of the 10 gallon tank until
feeding time. The other 2 fish SEEM fine but I'm no expert obviously. The
tank is set at 73 to 75 degrees and I have done an ick treatment and
30% water change. I looked online for about 4 hours now and it does
not look like ick at all. PLEASE help our newest additions!  

Hi JeAnna, it sounds as if your fish has a parasitic infection. This as well as other parasitic infections, body fungus, bacterial and internal infections can be treated and cured by administering a broad spectrum antibiotic. I would highly recommend that you go to a pet store and purchase Maracyn brand medication. As I mentioned above, this is a broad spectrum medication that will treat parasitic infections. I myself use this whenever I have to and it has never let me down, it does work. I'm sorry the response was later than sooner but I have been attending an incentive class after my work day. Good luck and if you have any further questions or comments or any other concerns I will be more than happy to help or elaborate on anything you need to know.