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dwarf gourami breeding

23 14:38:07

I have a male and female dwarf gourami in a 25 gallon tank.  The male has made a bubble nest and is taking good care of it.  My question is how do I know if they have bred?  I know that the female should be removed after mating and that the male should be moved once the fry are free swimming.  I never saw the pair mate and at the moment he is chasing her away when she comes near the nest.  Does this mean they have already bred or does it mean she isn't ready yet?  

Hi Kerry;

It's normal for him to chase her so it may be still be part of the courtship ritual. As long as he isn't injuring her severely it's okay to wait. There may be nipped fins but watch to be sure she's okay in general. It's important to condition her for two weeks on high protein foods before introducing her to the male too. Worms, shrimp, etc., are good ones. Once her belly is swollen with eggs she is ready.

Look in the nest very closely and see if there are tiny eggs in the bubbles. Once the babies hatch you will see tiny tails hanging down between the bubbles.

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins