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Cichlid Eggs

23 11:52:34

Hi Lynda,
About a month ago I got 2 Turqouise Jewel Cichlid and this morning I noticed attached to a plant a off white sack of bubbles. I was not sure that they were eggs and called around to a couple local fish place. From what I gathered the pouch is eggs. I have looked online and cant find information on exactly I should do to give these eggs the best chance, or how long until they hatch, or how long I shoud wait till i know they wont hatch and take them out. if that makes since. I was not planning on this happening so am not totally prepared for breeding. To be honest I usually read up on all my fish but the Jewel were a spur of the moment buy and i love them and do not mind having babies. Please any information will be a huge help. thank you.

Hi Morgan,
Jewels make good parents, and there is nothing to worry about.  Hopefully they are in at least a 50 gallon tank with no other fish.   You should keep the parents in with the babies when they hatch.  Sometimes the parents pick them up with their mouth to move not panic they are not eating them.  They are excellent parents.  I have bred these fish with no problem, and they stayed with their young until I was reading to put them on the market.  When they hatch, feed the fry baby brine shrimp that you will find frozen at the pet store.  You may also make the brine shrimp yourself.  When they get a little bigger, feed them the same foods you feed the parents.  Crush it until it is like salt.  Always feed your fish a good flake, vary their diet as much as possible, and they will remain healthy.  Water changes every day after the fry hatch is a must.  Usually after two months, they are ready to put on the market.
If the eggs do not hatch, and you see that the fish aren't interested it is because you either have two females, the fish are not compatible, or they are too young.  
Hope this helps