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23 11:52:34

QUESTION: Ok I'm confused. I purchased 3 cichlids from a tank simply for there color, a yellow and black, blue and black and an orange. I tried catching their names but it was hard spotting the ones being pointed at. After a few days I noticed that the 2 striped ones interacted more so with each other than the orange one, who they both seem to ignore.  I decided to see if I could find out what type of cichlids I was dealing with, which I should have done in first place.  (I'm a new aquarist, I didn't know any better, sorry) I know now the orange is a red zebra, but the other two fish confuse me. I found them both listed under Malawi golden (melanochromis Auratus) stating that the males are blue and females are yellow. Fine! But another site said that the blue one was Melanochromis Johannii and the yellow is Melanochromis Chipokae.  Its seems as though they may be in the process of spawning and I swear it looks like the yellow one has puffed up a bit, but if they are of different species would that be possible?

ANSWER: Hello,
It is possible for African Cichlids to interbreed.  Always make sure what fish you buy.  Many fish do not get along, and some need different water conditions.  The fish you have now are African Cichlids.  They do not mix with South American Cichlids or any other fish except fish from Lake Malawi, and Lake Tanganyika.  They are very aggressive fish, and you must provide many hiding places of rock formation, and overturned pots for them.  Every month change your decor, as they get too comfortable with their territory, and sometimes even kill each other.  They need big tanks, 60 gallons or more.  Whenever you add another fish, you must change, and add a new hiding place.  They need alkaline water of 7.8 or higher.  If your water is not alkaline, buy crushed coral, clean it well, and put it in white nylon stockings that you have cut to make a bag, and put it in your filter.  This will bring up your PH.  Never use products to bring up the PH as it will fluctuate, and this is not good for fish.
With African Cichlids it is best to have 2-3 females to one male.  They are mouth brooders, which means that the female keeps the eggs in her mouth until they are free swimming.  It is best to have another aquarium reading for her when she is about to let them go.  She is a good mother, and the fry will return to her mouth whenever she gives a sign of danger.  The water in a breeding tank should be the same as the water in the main tank.  After she has release the fry, she will be thin, and weak.  She will need good foods to bring her back to health.  They carry the eggs for about 18 -20 days in their mouth, sometimes a little more.  The fry should be fed baby brine shrimp that you will find a your pet store, and they must be fed 4 times a day.  Water changes must be made every day if you intend to keep the fry.  When they get a little older, you can start feeding them well crushed quality foods that you feed the other Cichlids that you have.
Water changes every week of 25% should be made in your tank.  Always check for ammonia, and nitrates.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.  Feed them good quality food, vary their diet, and you should have healthy fish.  Fish on cheap food and only one kind of food get sick, and curing them costs alot, it is better to feed them right, make water changes, and have healthy happy fish.
Hope this helps, and if you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to write me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you responding so quickly. You've save me a lot of time. I plan on going to the petstore after work for a few things. Just one thing though....I still don't know what Individual type of fish they are. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I know it may be to little to late, but I am a very curious person and tend to look up any and everything until theres nothing left to learn.  So, am I dealing with 2 of the same kinds of cichlid or two different?  Should I take a few pictures?

The Pet store where you bought them should know their names.  Many African Cichilds have only scientific names, but the pet store who sells these fish should know what they are selling.  They should give you all the information they have on these fish, what lake they come from, and so on.  With over 2000 fish in these lakes, it would be difficult for me to tell you what fish you have.  Pictures may help.  African Cichlids are all beautiful, and colourful.  I would not like to guess, and it would be impossible for me to do so.  I'm sorry.