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plain pleco

23 15:05:36

My daughters and I were wondering how to tell the gender of a regular Pleco. We have two right now, one in a 20 gallon tank that has grown from 2-1/4"
to 7-1/2" in about 13 months and another in a 10 gallon tank that we got about 5 weeks ago at 2", now 2-1/2". Thanks....Louis

Hi Louis;

I don't know how to sex regular plecostomus. There are no real identifiable differences from what I read about them. The other types of plecos have differences like the males have more nose bristles or longer pectoral bristles.

You should know that your plecostomus get to be over 12 inches long so they will need plenty of space. You are caring for them very well or they wouldn't have grow so fast already. Keep up the good work!

Here is more info;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins