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fantail behaviour and tank mates

23 14:13:03

i have got 3 fantails 2 of which always seem to chase each other and looks like they are biting eachother rears.
is this normal behavior?
also i was wondering if i could put a cold water bottom feeder in with them and not cause any concerns for them?
will await reply


Hello Toby-

Your fantails are establishing dominance (or going through a mating ritual, if you have males and females.) It's normal behavior, as long as your fantails aren't getting hurt. Be sure that there are no open sores and that there are plenty of spaces for them to hide to escape from each other. The biting should calm down as the fish get used to each other. If you spot an open sore, add a dose of Melafix or aquarium salt to help the wound heal.

As for a bottom feeder, it would be fine to add one, as long as you have enough room in your tank. Plecos produce a lot of waste and grow very fast, so you may want to find a fish that will not outgrow your tank.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman