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Fish to human infection

23 11:13:42


Bloated Betta
I'm taking care of my friends fish while she is away. This morning I gave him his food and I noticed that his abdomen was very big. He looks very bloated, I looked up bloated betta and I saw a few similar fish but none as big as he is. My question is if you have any idea of what it is? I also read about fish tuberculosis and I don't know if it could be that but I brought him to the pet shop and the water fell on my legs, do you think it could have infected me?

Bettas commonly suffer from constipation. Feed him thawed and shelled peas cut into bit sized pieces for a week.

I have been exposed to fish that have gotten sick all my life, and come into contact with most of them and I have never had any problems, but I cannot say for sure. Ask a doctor or vet.