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whats wronge with my fish

23 14:23:20

i have two large Oscars we noticed early this week they were lying on the bottom of the tank, it started getting worst and on the top of them they started loosing there skin. one has died and when we got it out the tank and put it in the bag the skin was coming off making it look transparent. we still have one of them and want to know what we can do, it looks as if it is breathing fine but were its scales have come off, and his adoorfin fin is disintegrating.. can u help? or is there no hope? what do they have?

HI Holly,
 That is pretty bizarre.  Is your water really foul smelling?  All I can think of is that your water is really bad.  It is important that you do regular partial water changes on an oscar tank.  You should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week.  Were you doing that?

-- Ron
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