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flowerhorn ds

23 14:24:08

i have a flowerhorn about 6 months of age and now it is not taking any feeds (past 1 week)and also passing long chains of slimy mucous. am much worried about the fish pls help . how do i treat him and whats the condition? pls prescribe the dose too... thank you

Hi Manu,
 This sounds like he has an intestinal infection.  There are medications that claim to fight intestinal infections  but success is low because if you put the medicine in the water, not much of it gets to the problem inside the fish's intestine.  If the fish will eat even a little, soak his food in one of these medications and that will deliver the drugs to the problem.   

  Another solution that some people find helpful is to get their fish to eat thawed, frozen peas. This has the effect of cleaning out the intestine somewhat and gives the fish a chance to fight back.  

-- Ron
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